Put Some Colour In Your Life, or Colour In Your Life, is a television series created by Master Artist Graeme Stevenson. It began in the small town of Murwillumbah, just south of the QLD border in Australia, and from this incredibly artistic region has spread out to encompass the arts and artists of Australia and the world. About this episodes featured artist – The Colour In Your Life team travelled 1,248 kilometres from Murwillumbah to Junee. The Junee Correctional Centre is a medium/minimum security institution for males located 450km south-west of Sydney and 40km from Wagga Wagga.
On arriving at their destination the Colour In Your Life Team were greeted by the wonderful staff of the Junee Correctional Centre who have helped make the initial project possible. Much preparation had gone into actually making this happen and an enormous amount of community spirit and organization to create such an event.
The center has an education partnership with TAFE NSW Riverina Institute, which allows training programs to be delivered by qualified and industry experienced teaching staff. Courses offered include commercial cooking, hospitality services, small business management, literacy and numeracy, computer studies, distance education programs, Aboriginal culture, automotive studies, basic engineering, rural studies and visual arts.
Graeme and the team were greeted by 25 inmates in the Gymnasium, which also has a section used for visual arts. Over the course of the day the Colour In Your Life team conducted a series of different art workshops, teaching the inmates different painting techniques that they would be able to practice and utilize in their daily life. There really was a sense of joy in the room when the guys were painting, as some of the inmates had not even picked up a paintbrush before.
A great day was had by all and a good change for the psychology of the inmates was made as well. We all live in a left-brain world; maybe getting in touch with our right brain will help many people through difficult times.
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